Tuesday, June 18, 2019


Many things in this world are unknowable to us, and one of them is what’s really going on in other people’s heads. “For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

But I think that with some logic, we can at least narrow down the possibilities. If a man holds up four fingers and tells you that there are five, then it is a fair bet that he is either delusional, dumb, or dishonest. Either he is hallucinating, or he can’t count, or he’s lying to your face.

So, what do we make of a tranny, with a penis and a Y-chromosome, who tells you that he’s a woman? Plainly, he’s either mad, moronic, or mendacious. (Or some combination thereof; sometimes we must embrace the healing power of “and”.)

But beyond that, I cannot say for sure. I’m not one of Miss Cleo’s psychic friends. So is he crazy, stupid, or a liar? The best answer is yes, yes he is.

And there are many crazy/stupid/liars in America today, and around the world – not just the trannies, but all social justice warriors. And since SJWs always project – even up to and including the projection strategy itself – things can quickly get very confusing, much like dealing with a gaslighting narcissist.

You need a way to keep things straight, to be sure that he’s the crazy/stupid/liar and not you. One very simple way is to always be very careful to never pretend to have magical psychic powers; no one does, not even you, and certainly not that dickwad trying to tell you what you’re really thinking.

So when someone else acts like he’s the arbiter of what you really mean by your own words, you might not know exactly what he’s thinking, but you can be sure that his mindreading pose is false. You can be sure that in one or more parts, he’s a crazy/stupid/liar.

And then you can stop taking him seriously as an honest interlocutor, because there isn’t any point. If you absolutely must talk to him, rational objectives could include exposing his delusional/dumb/dishonesty to onlookers, or just minimizing your exposure to harm from his mad/moronic/mendacity.

But you cannot “win” an argument with a crazy/stupid/liar, and there’s no point in trying.

1 comment:

  1. And then you read that the suicide rate among our youth is soaring and the cause seems perfectly obvious to rational people. The world they are reaching adulthood in is shot through with this insidious evil.
