Friday, September 27, 2019

Race is a hoax to distract from class and ethnicity.

There is no scientific consensus on whether race even exists. There is also no great debate, because the entire topic is politically incorrect. So there is just a back-alley argument between sociologists (no, we can’t tell race by looking at their skin) and anthropologists (yes, we can tell race by looking at their bones).

So clearly, the current moral panic about “white supremacy” is of suspicious intellectual provenance, because they cannot even prove that “white” exists. And I argue that it is blatantly a hoax, because it is being used to distract from real tangible groups with concrete interests.

First, Angelo Codevilla has done great work articulating the existence of a Ruling Class and its Clerisy (essentially the 0.1% and 9.9%, respectively). Building off of that, Glenn Reynolds has extensively documented how they have exercised their socio-economic power to enforce their divergent interests over the People.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the college-educated in general (and Ivy League in particular) are marrying only each other. And since these institutions are well-populated by the global elite, there is a new mix of family lines exclusive of the global governed.

Ethnicity is by definition culture, language, and DNA. And we already know that our global elites have a distinct culture, thanks to the Verge’s seminal article, Welcome to AirSpace. So attending the same colleges, learning in the same language, marrying only each other – they are by definition at an advanced stage of becoming an ethnicity.

Call them AirSpacers, because it’s a stupid name and they’re stupid people, so they deserve it. And if in their ethnoneogenesis they avoid giving themselves a name, to avoid drawing attention to their class/ethnic supremacy, then we are fully empowered to give them whatever stupid name we want. Fuck their delicate sensibilities and entirely unwarranted pride.