Thursday, July 4, 2019

No Anarchists, Only Communists

I was shocked to read Robert Vincent’s recent article in American Thinker, “The Left's Endgame Is Not Chaos. It's Worse,” which was recommended by Instapundit, The Other McCain, and Ace of Spades. I had vaguely suspected that there were people who didn’t know that, but I was unprepared for the grim reality of such basic ignorance. So I will explain in even blunter terms.

There are no principled anarchists in Oregon, and I assume that the same is true of all of the other States in the Union. There are quite a few schizophrenics and brain-fried druggies, but aside from people who are mentally disordered, all of the anarchists are fake. They are all just a bunch of godless commies.

In fact, it hardly matters the name of the group; antifa, black bloc, by any means necessary, &c., they are all just thugs for revolutionary international socialism.

Their multiple brands essentially combine the experimental dynamism of venture capitalism with the operational discretion of independent terrorist cells. But they are all the same in one very important respect:

They only want to disrupt the current social order in order to replace it with the socialist tyranny of their dreams – sick dreams in which they’re insiders with power to abuse, instead of social rejects.

And make no mistake: every complaint that they have is projection. When they talk about the (fictitious) jackboots on their necks, they’re picturing their (physical) jackboots on yours. And you don't want to know what happens next.

They are evil. You should never, ever let one babysit for you. They hate themselves, their parents, their species, and their Creator; so if they have any interest in your kids at all, it is an unhealthy one. I’m dead fucking serious.

And you should take them seriously, because unlike neo-Nazi LARPers, theirs is a living movement that controls multiple countries to this very day. China alone is what, about a fifth of humanity?

They are worthless garbage people individually; but they are borrowing power from a global movement, and they want to exercise that power over you (and your kids). And we must do literally whatever it takes to prevent that.

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