Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Our Fake Elites: The Why of Making Ourselves Ungovernable (1/3)

There is no meritocracy. Everything that you have heard is a lie. The only things that our ruling class is actually good at are being well-spoken, well-dressed, well-connected, and well-credentialed. Habitually punctual, except when not. Usually not too many drugs.

But you cannot break in from below. It is all about class. If you do not have acceptable table manners, then literally nothing else matters.

And they can teach those table manners to drooling morons from the other side of the world, if they think it would signal their virtue as anti-Western anti-Christians.

So we are ruled by arrogant, contemptuous snobs who are also historically ignorant, poorly educated, intellectually lazy, morally degenerate, grossly unethical, narcissistic, nepotistic, lying, cheating, thieving, evil little midwits who think they’re better than you.

No, really. They act as if they’re so much better than you that not only could they run your life better than you can, but they shouldn’t even ask you. They should just do it.

It makes me bitter. They act like if you weren’t such a retard, then you would be thankful to them for enslaving you to their kritarchy of black-robed tyrants and their technocracy of fake experts, who are really just a bunch of pseudo-scientific snake-oil salesmen with tall height and good hair.

So you’re going to get what they want for you, good and hard. And you’d better be thankful, or else they have ways of making you sorry.

Except there's just one little problem with their vision of the world: it's inverted. They need us. Not the other way around.

So their entire worldview is built on a foundation of lies, and it would be trivial for us to exploit such a glaring weakness.

Trivial for us to show our true power...

By making ourselves ungovernable.

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